
Why Is Marriage So Tough?

Why Is Marriage So Tough?

Marriage is the most mysterious relationship two human beings will ever know. It can be the most wonderful, exciting, fulfilling, life-giving, meaningful experience a person could ever have. And, it can be the most painful, exhausting, miserable, draining, frustrating experience anyone could imagine. I once heard someone say, “Marriage is the most perfect picture of heaven and hell we will know this side of eternity.” Some might think this is a bit over dramatic, but I agree with it completely…

A Sweet Celebration

A Sweet Celebration

The holiday season can be full of so much excitement, joy, and…food! Growing up my fondest Christmas memories were spent gathered in the kitchen with whisks in hand, the smell of fresh-baked cookies overflowing into every room of the house, and cousins catching up with one another over a cup of hot chocolate at my grandma’s house. No matter what happened from one year to the next, my cousins and I could always count on this tradition…

5 Traditions to Start This Christmas

5 Traditions to Start This Christmas

As a parent, one of the best things about the holidays is the extra time you get to spend with your children. This is also an incredible opportunity for teaching, giving, and memory making. Maybe you already have some Christmas traditions. If not, think about starting some this year or adding some new ones…

12 Days of Serving Others

12 Days of Serving Others

During the holiday season, we are reminded of what it means to give. Many times, we are encouraged to give financially, give to nonprofits, give gifts…all things that require giving material goods. But what about serving people? Both giving and serving are great ways to help others and make a huge impact, but I think that we forget to do both during this season…

Conversations in a Jar

Conversations in a Jar

School is back in session, and it would be difficult to find a family that’s not busy. Work, sports practices, games, rehearsals, lessons, homework, doctor’s appointments, and countless other activities keep our calendars full. Among all of the busyness, I would argue that it would also be difficult to find a family that doesn’t long for closer relationships and connection…

Quality Time During the Summer “Slow-down”

Quality Time During the Summer “Slow-down”

Summer. What does that mean for you?  For some it is a time to rest, getting caught up on that never ending list, and spending quality time with family. Well, at least that is what we all hope for. You know there is something about the summer season when people hope for time to slow down, allow for rest, and things to get reset…

How the Church Partners with Parents

How the Church Partners with Parents

Did you know that from the day your child is born until high school graduation you have about 936 weeks? Every week counts. In fact, every day counts. Let's be real, parenting is not for the weak. I remember when my daughter was a few weeks old and wouldn't sleep, and I thought, “This is it?” Don't all parents go through that at some point…

FAMILY Part 2: Awareness

FAMILY Part 2: Awareness

My 4 year old son started playing basketball for his first team sport experience. In the driveway playing by himself, he has pretty impressive shooting, defending, and dribbling skills for his age. However, get him on the court, and it's another story. He struggles to use his skills and pay attention to where the ball is at the same time...