Are You Limiting Yourself?

I believe God has created individual plans for His followers that are as unique and creative as each one of us. Sadly, I also believe many of us will never even begin to tap into the potential that God has placed within us. What could Christians achieve for God’s Kingdom if each one of us walked in faith following God’s true plan for our lives?

Do you dream of things you would like to do for God but never do anything about it? What is it that keeps us from moving forward and taking that step of faith? Fear? Self-doubt? Laziness? Worry? Busyness?

I love this quote by Francis Chan: “But God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn’t come through.”

Do you trust God that much? I wish I could say I do. There have been times when I felt God nudging me to speak to someone, give something away, or get rid of things in my life. I never regretted the times in which I obeyed; however, I hate to admit that many times I make excuses for ignoring His leading rather than following it.

Many years ago, we moved to a small town. Shortly after our relocation, I went to a local bakery to order a birthday cake for my son who was turning three. The ladies at the bakery informed me that they only put icing flowers on their cakes, no exceptions. Their solution to my son’s birthday cake was “We can do blue flowers.” Needless to say, I went somewhere else to buy his cake.

How often do we do we limit ourselves like this small town bakery? How often do we tell ourselves or others, “I only do flowers.” Or do you say, “But I’ve always done it this way. I’ve never tried that before. People might think I’m strange.” The excuses go on and on. We aren’t only disobeying God when we ignore His direction, but we also restrain and limit our personal spiritual growth.

Have you ever felt God was encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and take a risk? Maybe learn a new skill that seems impossible? Reach out to a group of people that are your exact opposite? Or use a talent to start a brand new mission?

The possibilities are exciting and terrifying all rolled into one. The good news is when God prompts us to step out, He promises to go with us. If God sends you out of your comfort zone, He will go with you.

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 (ESV)

Let’s dream big. Imagine your testimony after accomplishing something radical for God. If God has placed a huge idea or a small act of kindness on your heart, try acting on it today. Our world desperately needs us to follow God’s plans for our lives.