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Acts chapter nine gives us the account of Saul’s (also named Paul) conversion to Christ. Shortly after his conversion, the Bible says he spent “some days” with the very disciples he had come to Damascus to persecute and imprison.
Today is Christmas Eve...the wait is over! This has to be my favorite day of the year. I love spending the day at church…
All around the world, the universal language is love. Every tribe, race, religion, culture, and people group “speak” this language…
If we were in ancient Israel this is how we would greet one another. It is how we would extend a warm welcome to each other, our neighbors, our family, folks we run into around town…
Joy. This short, simple word printed on Christmas cards, ornaments, plaques, shirts, plates and almost anything Christmas is possibly the most…
Am I the only one that hates to wait? Waiting is hard, especially when we’re afraid we might miss the one thing that we really want, no, need. Over 2000 years ago when Jesus was born an entire nation was waiting for him. They had been waiting for generations, and yet…
In January 2020 I had the pleasure of helping lead several other Americans on a trip to Brazil to provide free English courses for Brazilians…
The Bible does not tell us that it is a wrong to borrow or that it is wise. But it also does not tell us that God will bail us out of our debt either. So how do we handle debt?
Resources are a set of supplies provided by God to help us operate our daily lives. As Christians, this can seem to be a difficult task while trying to be a good steward of these resources…