Our Mission
In Matthew 28:19 Jesus made his mission clear when he told his disciples, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” The Great Commission given to the disciples has not changed but continues to be the same mission of the Church today. We exist to help every person in every nation become a disciple of Jesus Christ.
In order to effectively make disciples, we must know the characteristics of a disciple. Jesus tells us what a disciple should be in Luke 6:40; “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” In other words, without question, we are called to make disciples that look and act like Jesus.
Jesus modeled the characteristics and traits for his disciples, and they in turn modeled them as they continued the ministry of Jesus. At Crossroads Church we call these traits, or marks, the M7s. Fully trained M7 Disciples model the conduct of Jesus and demonstrate the character of Christ through the Fruit of the Spirit.
The Seven Marks of a Disciple
Member! Disciples are members of Christ’s Church both universally and locally.
Magnifier! Disciples live a lifestyle of both private and public worship.
Maturing! Disciples continuously grow and mature in their faith.
Minister! Disciples use their gifts and abilities to serve and meet the needs of others.
Manager! Disciples manage their money, time, relationships, and bodies in a way that glorifies God.
Messenger! Disciples consistently look for open doors to share the message of Christ with as many people as possible.
Multiplier! Disciples reproduce and multiply more disciples.
The mission of Jesus is being fulfilled when fully trained disciples are being made. A world filled with fully trained disciples that look and act like Jesus would turn the world upside down for Christ!