I struggle. I am my own worst enemy. I go straight to my version of the bleak possibilities of the future rather than taking one day at a time. I think…
"Tetelestai" It Is Finished, Now Go...
See Christmas Like a Child
That You May Know
One of the questions I have had many times in my experience as a Christian is, "Am I sure I will go to heaven?" A little context might help here...see, I grew up in a Christian home, I've been going to church as long as I can remember. I was ‘saved’ and baptized at an early age, went to Sunday school every week…
Are You Limiting Yourself?
I believe God has created individual plans for His followers that are as unique and creative as each one of us. Sadly, I also believe many of us will never even begin to tap into the potential that God has placed within us. What could Christians achieve for God’s Kingdom if each one of us walked in faith following God’s true plan for our lives…
5 Ways to Practice Spiritual Disciplines
Not Okay with Lukewarm
Peace Be Still
You may know the story from where these words come, but in case you don’t, Jesus spoke these words when He was trying to calm the nerves of His disciples. The story is found in Mark 4:35-41. The simple version goes like this. Jesus was crossing the sea with his disciples in a boat…
Firm and Secure
Be Still and Know
I am a worrier. I have always been a person who worries. Once I became a mom, my worry hit a whole new level. I think about the bad that can happen, and many times it truly ruins my day. Do you do that? Do you worry to the point of taking the joy out of the day? If so, you know exactly what I am talking about...
It's Raining, It's Pouring
This week I stood in the doorway looking out at the relentless falling rain and was immediately reminded of an experience I had a couple of years ago. I had to run into the grocery store to grab a couple of things before picking up my son from rehearsal. It was just sprinkling, so I dashed inside. However...
Taste the Goodness of God
Count the Cost
Hungry for God's Word
Fogged In
I woke up...got ready and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. I looked out the window to take in the view of the lake and to my amazement, it was GONE! Vanished overnight! All that I saw was the back deck and shadows of trees emerging from a dense white fog. Okay...so the lake didn't actually vanish. It was just hidden by the fog that moved in overnight...