Complete small home repairs and/or yard work for the elderly or those dealing with illness. All skill levels welcome.
Time commitment: 2 hours per month
Age Requirement: 12+
Serve as a Financial Counselor by helping people create and main- tain a household budget. Provide financial accountability. Return phone calls and follow up with applicants.
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week
Age Requirement: 25+
First Responders Support Team
Adopt a station with your family, team, or small group to offer encouragement and care. May include providing snacks or a meal, sending encouragement cards, and praying for requests.
Time Commitment: Typically less than 1 hour per week
Age Requirement: 18+
Foster Care Support Team
Provide practical help for foster families with the Foster Care Support Team including monthly meals, cleaning or laundry, tutoring, mentoring, or respite care.
Time Commitment: varies, weekly or monthly based on availability Age Requirement: 18+
Community Garden
Assist at the Community Garden with a variety of projects related to successfully growing fruits and vegetables. Tasks may include planting, watering, fertilizing, pre- paring soil, harvesting, and general maintenance.
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week
Age Requirement: All ages
Our goal is to build a bridge to our community through recreation. We aim to provide a Christ-centered, positive environment where all families feel welcome. All volunteers are required to complete the Child Protection Class and a background check.
Teach children or youth basic skills in basketball, baseball, or soc- cer. Encourage all players and create an environment of good sportsmanship.
Time Commitment: 2 hours per week (1 hour for practice, 1 hour for game)
Age Requirement: 18+
Organize and sell snacks and drinks during games on Saturdays during league seasons. Receive money and return correct change. Time commitment: 1-4 hours per week during season
Age Requirement: 14+
Event Coordinator and Planner
Plan and organize a recreation event. Annual events include a 5K Trail Run, Golf Tournament, and Summer sports camps for kids. Time Commitment: 1-4 hours per week
Age Requirement: 18+
Fitness or Personal Trainer
Lead exercise classes within our wellness ministry. Time Commitment: 1-4 hours per week
Age Requirement: 14+
Observe and record scores at sporting events. Display accurate scores on the scoreboard. Record fouls during the game as called by referees.
Time Commitment: 1-4 hours per week during season
Age Requirement: 14+
Become familiar with standard rules in basketball, baseball, or soccer. Closely observe games and make calls based on rules. No experience is required. Training is available.
Time Commitment: 1-4 hours per week during season
Age Requirement: 14+
Registration and Try-On Uniform Support
Assist on registration days by greeting parents and players, record- ing data, and collecting payment. Help players find correct uniform sizes and record sizes selected.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per week during open registration Age Requirement: 14+
Administrative Support
Assist with organizing leagues, creating teams, and data entry. Time Commitment: 1-5 hours per week
Age Requirement: 18+
Renew Thrift Store
Sort, organize, and display donations at ReNew Thrift Store. Assist customers in front of store. Volunteers are also needed to pick up and deliver donations to reNew including large furniture items.
Time Commitment: 4 hour shift based on your schedule and store hours, item pick up and delivery may be scheduled at your conve- nience
Age Requirement: 16+
School Support Team
Adopt a school with your family, team, or small group to offer en- couragement and care for all teachers and staff on a regular basis. May include providing snacks or a meal, sending encouragement cards, or praying for requests.
Time Commitment: Typically less than 1 hour per week Age Requirement: 18+
Truth in Nature
Crossroads partners with Truth in Nature Nature and provides a unique way to connect with middle and high school boys while teaching them about God in the outdoors. Mentors establish relationships with young men from fatherless and single mother homes. Additional background check required.
Time Commitment: 4 hours a month Age Requirement: 21+
Help others through our CARE & Counseling Ministry.
Meal Team
Provide meals for people dealing with illness or after a death in someone’s family. Home-cooked or purchased food is fine. Commit- ment is based on your availability.
Time commitment: Varies
Age Requirement: 18+
Support Group Leaders
Facilitate group discussions using approved curriculum. Most suc- cessful group leaders have experienced victory in life and want to encourage others who now struggle in the same area. Requirements include Crossroads Church membership for more than one year and completion of Support Group Leadership Training. Contact the Care and Counseling Office for more information.
Time Requirement: 2 hours per week Age Requirement: 21+