10 Verses for Finding Joy

10 Verses for Finding Joy

Let’s face it. It’s hard to find joy these days. Looking at the news can be devastating. We live in a society where every other day the flags are at half mast. People immediately choose sides and emotions rule our actions rather than reason. It’s easy to feel like the junk of this world is constantly swirling around us like an vicious tornado…

Finding Your Spiritual Gifts

Finding Your Spiritual Gifts

Recently, I was having a conversation about spiritual gifts with my small group. As I described the different spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament, many of my small group members began giving me the same look I give the car repairman when he is describing car parts and all that he did to repair my vehicle. I was surprised to learn that…

How the Church Partners with Parents

How the Church Partners with Parents

Did you know that from the day your child is born until high school graduation you have about 936 weeks? Every week counts. In fact, every day counts. Let's be real, parenting is not for the weak. I remember when my daughter was a few weeks old and wouldn't sleep, and I thought, “This is it?” Don't all parents go through that at some point…

The Discontentment of a Pastor

The Discontentment of a Pastor

How about that title for an attention grabber? Yes folks, it is true that even pastors experience discontentment. That is not to say that it is right to be discontent. Actually it is quite the opposite. It is sin, and one that we all too often excuse and even embrace. In my life, I have seen how sinful and troubling discontentment can be. See if this resonates with you…

The Remarkable Power of One's Influence

The Remarkable Power of One's Influence

I was having a conversation with a friend and fellow father a short while ago. When we are together our conversations usually become creative dream sessions. We share vision, discuss opportunities, and dream of possibilities. It is quite invigorating for a personality like mine. I love the startup, the creative process, and the activation of great ideas…

The God Who Sees Me

The God Who Sees Me

The story about Hagar, Sarai’s Egyptian slave, has always intrigued me and pulled on my heart. A few years ago I realized why her story connected with me so much. Although we didn’t have the same situation, we experienced the same feelings. I have learned a lot about my relationship with God through the name that Hagar gave Him in the midst of her struggles with...

Be Still and Know

Be Still and Know

I am a worrier. I have always been a person who worries. Once I became a mom, my worry hit a whole new level. I think about the bad that can happen, and many times it truly ruins my day. Do you do that? Do you worry to the point of taking the joy out of the day? If so, you know exactly what I am talking about...

FAMILY Part 2: Awareness

FAMILY Part 2: Awareness

My 4 year old son started playing basketball for his first team sport experience. In the driveway playing by himself, he has pretty impressive shooting, defending, and dribbling skills for his age. However, get him on the court, and it's another story. He struggles to use his skills and pay attention to where the ball is at the same time...

Living a Spirit-Filled Life

Living a Spirit-Filled Life

Today is a new day! A new year is underway, and it is filled with potential as each new day brings a fresh start….a reset…a time to pause and allow the Creator of all things, God, our heavenly Father, to transform our lives one morning at a time. I’m talking 365 days a year...