Join a Team

We believe that God has given every one of us gifts, talents, and skills that are helpful to building His kingdom. We believe that YOU have been given purpose!

Joining a team is a great way to use your God-given gifts to share His love. Serving is also a great way to connect with people at our church. We have many opportunities to serve on a team at Crossroads Church, and we would love for you to join us! To find out more about joining a team, check out our teams below or attend the Next Steps 301 Class!

If one of our teams catches your eye, let us know! We would love for you to join us in the amazing mission of being and building disciples of Jesus!

You can find our full list of opportunities with more information in our Serving Booklet HERE!



Crossroads Kids

Crossroads Kids team members support our growing kids ministry by pro- viding dependable, safe, secure, and nurturing care for children entrusted to us. By serving in Crossroads Kids, you help build the foundation of faith in future generations. All volunteers must complete the Child Protection Class and a background check.


Provide age-appropriate care which includes feeding, changing diapers, holding, putting children down for naps, and maintaining a safe, soothing environment. Interact cheerfully through songs, stories, play, and prayer. Time Commitment: 2 hours on Saturday or Sunday

Age Requirement: 16+

Preschool Small Group Leader

Know and promote the vision of Crossroads Kids Ministry. Lead preschool children in relevant, age-appropriate activities and lessons. Shepherd a group of children by building relationships through consistent interaction with them and connection to their families.

Time Commitment: 2 hours on Saturday or Sunday Age Requirement: 16+

Preschool Small Group Leader Assistant

Assist the Small Group Leader by keeping children engaged and assist with craft activities. Interact with children and assist as needed during small group and large group times. Study weekly lessons and be available to lead in Small Group Leader’s absence.
Time Commitment: 2 hours on Saturday or Sunday
Age Requirement: 12+

Elementary Small Group Leader

Know and promote the vision of Crossroads Kids Ministry. Lead elementary children in relevant, age-appropriate activities and lessons. Shepherd a group of children by building relationships through consistent interaction with them and connection to their families.

Time Commitment: 2 hours on Saturday or Sunday Age Requirement: 16+

Elementary Assistant Small Group Leader

Assist the Small Group Leader by keeping children engaged and assist with craft activities. Interact with children and assist as needed during small group and large group time. Study weekly lessons and be available to lead in Small Group Leader’s absence.
Time Commitment: 2 hours on Saturday or Sunday
Age Requirement: 12+

First Impressions & First Time Guest Host

Cheerfully greet new families as they enter our Crossroads Kids environment and guide them through the entire process of checking-in to classrooms. Welcome all parents and children.
Time Commitment: 45 minutes prior to beginning of service time on Saturday or Sunday

Age Requirement: 12+ (WOW) and 16+ (First Time Guest Host)


Provide security by watching doors and checking badges. Implement safety plans and procedures to ensure a secure environment. Work with children’s ministry teams to minimize risks.
Time Commitment: 2 hours on Saturday or Sunday

Age Requirement: 16+

Large Group

Read large group script and prepare for rehearsal of communicators, worship leaders, and tech team. Includes actors, worship leaders, and media technicians. Presents the Bible story in a creative and interactive style which captures attention of children during large group.

Time Commitment: One weekend per month Age Requirement: 12+

Tech Team

Works with Large Group Team to provide audio, video, and comput- er graphics to support large group.
Time Commitment: One weekend per month
Age Requirement: 12+

Crossroads Youth

YOUTH team members build relationships with middle and high schoolers and seek to create the most welcoming atmosphere for all students. Our goal is to create an energetic, fun, community atmo- sphere while building a foundation of faith in the next generation of the Church. All volunteers are required to complete the Child Pro- tection Class and a background check.


Sunday Morning Small Group Leader or Co-Leader

Lead groups of 6-8 middle school students in focused Bible study using relevant curriculum. Have passion when teaching God’s Word to students and help them develope the character and conduct of Christ. Leaders serve each Sunday during one worship service time.

A bi-weekly serving arrangement may also be possible.
Time Commitment: 1 1/2 hour every Sunday morning (follows school calendar)
Age Requirement: High School Senior+

“Squad” Small Group Leader or Co-Leader

Lead groups of 6-8 middle school students. Leaders build relation- ships, have faith conversations, pray with students, and share the Gospel message. Help create a fun, energetic atmosphere.
Time Commitment: 2 hours every Wednesday night (follows school calendar)

Age Requirement: 18+

Guest Services Team

Create a welcoming environment while greeting and checking in students. Assist with setting up check-in station, parking lot, and outdoor area.
Time Commitment: 2.75 hours every Wednesday night (follows school calendar)

Age Requirement: 18+

Snack Bar Team

Provide friendly hospitality by selling pizza, drinks, and snacks for $1.00 each to students. Set up snack bar, clean up, put away inven- tory, and handle all money collected.
Time Commitment: 2.75 hours every Wednesday (follows school calendar)

Age Requirement: 18+

ProPresenter Operator

Operate a computer to display song lyrics, message notes, scripture, videos, and other slides on screens during services. No experience required. Training will be provided.
Time Commitment: Varies

Age Requirement: Middle School+

Lighting Operator

Execute the lights during services by following the cues as designed by the Lighting Designer.
Time Commitment: Varies
Age Requirement: Middle School+

Audio Operator

Mix audio for services. Provide a balanced and energy-filled mix

with smooth transitions between elements. No experience neces- sary. Training will be provided.
Time Commitment: Varies
Age Requirement: Middle School+



Assist in running Wednesday services by fulfilling various roles including greeting, checking in students, connecting new students at our VIP table, helping with set up, and tearing down at the end of the night. Get to know students and create a friendly environment. Time Commitment: 2 hours every Wednesday evening (follows school calendar)
Age Requirement: 20+

Crew Leader

Lead a small group on Wednesday nights after the service. Use weekly small group questions to facilitate discussions based on the large group messages. Crews break out by grade and gender and spread out across the worship center. Crew Leaders are expected to know students and build relationships.
Time Commitment: 2 hours every Wednesday evening (follows school calendar)
Age Requirement: 20+

ProPresenter Operator

Operate a computer to display song lyrics, message notes, scripture, videos, and other slides on screens during services. No experience required. Training will be provided.
Time Commitment: Varies

Age Requirement: High School+

Lighting Operator

Execute the lights during services by following the cues as designed by the Lighting Designer.
Time Commitment: Varies
Age Requirement: High School+

Audio Operator

Mix audio for services. Provide a balanced and energy-filled mix with smooth transitions between elements. No experience neces- sary. Training will be provided.
Time Commitment: Varies

Age Requirement: High School+

Young Adults Ministry

Lead the next generation by serving at Young Adults on Thursday evenings. Support this ministry by helping set up, leading a young adults small groups, or providing tech support.

UNLIMITED Special Needs Ministry

Crossroads UNLIMITED Ministry provides a fun, welcoming environ- ment for children, youth, and young adults with special needs. This ministry provides families with a loving support system that allows everyone to experience the love of Jesus. UNLIMITED leaders will ensure all volunteers feel prepared and are comfortable in their roles. All volunteers must complete the Child Protection Class and a background check.


Provide 1:1 care for a child with special needs during a Sunday morning service. The child may be in the UNLIMITED classroom or in an inclusive environment in one of the Crossroads Kids rooms. No previous experience is required. UNLIMITED is offered during the 9:00AM and 11:00AM service at the Sharpsburg Campus.
Time Commitment: Bi-weekly or weekly during one service to pro- vide consistency for the children we serve
Age Requirement: High School Freshman+

Buddy Assistants

Provide assistance to UNLIMITED Buddies. This may include helping a child who needs extra assistance, passing out supplies, etc.
Time Commitment: May serve once a month or as often as every week

Age Requirement: 6th Grade+

Large Group Leader

Lead children in the UNLIMITED classroom through various pre- planned activities. Buddies will assist individual children during group time.
Time Commitment: Once per month minimum, bi-weekly is pre- ferred

Age Requirement: Freshman in High School+

Special Events Team

Throughout the year the UNLIMITED Ministry hosts various events including respite days, family cookouts, Crossroads Kids Camp, and a Drop & Shop event. A variety of serving opportunities are avail- able during these events.
Time Commitment: Varies based on event
Age Requirement: 16+ (may vary based on event)

Tech Team

Provide lights, sound, and projection in UNLIMITED classroom. No previous experience required. System is user-friendly and easy to learn. Training will be provided.
Time Commitment: Once a month or as often as every week
Age Requirement: 6th grade+

Wednesday Night Childcare

Available for UNLIMITED children while parents attend small group. Activities may include games, crafts, Bible story, and music. Previous special needs experience is preferred but not required.
Time Commitment: 2 hours every Wednesday night during the school year (follows school calendar)

Age Requirement: 18+

Wednesday Night YOUTH

Interact with and guide teens and young adults with high-functioning special needs. Activities include games, fellowship, Bible study, and worship.
Time Commitment: 1 1/2 hour every Wednesday night during the school year (preferred) or bi-weekly (follows school calendar)

Age Requirement: High school graduate+

Small Groups

Small Groups are the foundation of connection at Crossroads by providing friendship, growth, and accountability. Small Group Lead- ers and the volunteers within each group who support them play a critical role in our church. If you are interested in any of the follow- ing roles, contact your Small Group Leader or Co-Leader.

Administrative Coordinator

Track and update group roster and attendance. Send group emails regarding activities, events, and needs. Recommended spiritual gifts include organization, serving, and leadership.
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week

Age Requirement: Varies by group

Fellowship/Activities Coordinator

Plan and communicate monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly relation- ship-building opportunities for the group. Recommended spiritual gifts include hospitality, organization, and serving.
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week

Age Requirement: Varies by group

Host Home

Open your home as a meeting place for your small group on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Recommended spiritual gifts are hospitality, organization, serving, and giving.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per group meeting

Age Requirement: Varies by group

Ministry Coordinator

Plan and communicate monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly serving projects for the group. Recommended spiritual gifts include organi- zation, serving, giving, and mercy.
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week

Age Requirement: Varies by group

Next Steps Ministry Support

Assist the Next Steps Director with church system updates, data input, research, and follow up. Updates are weekly, and research is done on a monthly basis.
Time Commitment: 2 hours per week

Age Requirement: Varies by group

Outreach Coordinator (ROW Champion)

Plan and communicate monthly, quarterly, or seasonal missional opportunities. Share details of upcoming church outreach events

and encourage participation. Recommended spiritual gifts are evan- gelism, exhortation, serving, organization, and mercy.
Time commitment: 1 hour per week
Age Requirement: Varies by group

Prayer Coordinator

Record prayer requests shared by group members. Help lead prayer time. Track and update requests and answered prayers and commu- nicates with the group. Recommended spiritual gifts are exhortation, organization, mercy, and serving.

Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week Age Requirement: Varies by group

Worship & Production

Our Worship and Worship Production Teams use their God-given talents to create and implement our weekend services at all campuses, special events, and YOUTH environments on stage and behind the scene.


Learn selected music and lead in a worship environment. Preferred instruments include drums, keys, bass, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and strings. Intermediate skill level required. If scheduled to play, all band members are required to attend Tuesday Midweek Team Dinner and Rehearsal 6:30-8:30PM

Time Commitment: Varies Weekly Age Requirement: High School+

Vocal Ensemble

Learn selected music and perform in a worship environment. Inter- mediate skill level required. If scheduled to sing, all vocal ensemble members are required to attend Tuesday Midweek Team Dinner and Rehearsal 6:30-8:30PM.

Time Commitment: Varies
Age Requirement: High School+

Audio Broadcast Operator

Mix the broadcast audio for online services. Provide a balanced and energy-filled mix with smooth transitions between elements. No ex- perience required. Training will be provided.
Time Commitment: Varies

Age Requirement: High School+

Audio FOH Operator

Mix audio for services. Provide a balanced and energy-filled mix with smooth transitions between elements. If scheduled for the weekend service, team members are required to attend Tuesday Midweek Team Dinner and Rehearsal 6:30-8:30PM. No experience required. Training will be provided.

Time Commitment: Varies
Age Requirement: High School+


Assist FOH Operator. Duties include monitoring comm communications, operating audio playback material, patching and mic place- ment as necessary, and monitoring wireless RF and battery levels. Focus on learning skills to operate FOH. If scheduled for the week end service, team members are required to attend Tuesday Midweek

Team Dinner and Rehearsal 6:30-8:30PM. No experience required. Training will be provided.
Time Commitment: Varies
Age Requirement: High School+

Camera Operator

Operate a video camera for services to achieve the appropriate cam- era shots as called by the Video Director. No experience required. Training will be provided.
Time Commitment: Varies

Age Requirement: High School+

Lighting Operator

Execute the lights during services by following the cues as designed by the Lighting Designer. No experience required. Training will be provided.
Time Commitment: Varies

Age Requirement: High School+

ProPresenter Operator

Operate a computer to display song lyrics, message notes, scripture, videos, and other slides on screens during services. If scheduled for the weekend service, team members are required to attend Tuesday Midweek Team Dinner and Rehearsal 6:30-8:30PM. No experience required. Training will be provided.

Time Commitment: Varies
Age Requirement: High School+

Stage Hand

Assist by being a line of communication between the stage, speak- ers, and worship technology during services. Assist with making sure people and items are in place at the appropriate times. If scheduled for the weekend service, team members are required to attend Tues- day Midweek Team Dinner and Rehearsal 6:30-8:30PM.

Time Commitment: Varies by campus Age Requirement: High School+



Take photographs and/or video during weekend services and spe- cial events. Attend training sessions. Preferred skills include basic photography knowledge and editing skills. A completed application is required.

Time Commitment: Varies
Age Requirement: High School+

First impressions Team

Bean & Build Coffee Shop

Make quality hot and cold beverages for customers. Assist in stock- ing, setting up, cleaning machines, and closing. No previous experi- ence is required. Volunteers will receive training.
Time Commitment: 30 minutes prior to service on Saturday or Sun- day at the Sharpsburg Campus, 1 to 4 times per month

Age Requirement: 14+


Stand by an assigned door or entrance and greet everyone with
a warm and outstanding welcome. Locations include worship center doors, outside doors, lobby, and stairwell doors. A friendly, outgoing personality is recommended.
Time Commitment: Arrive 30 minutes before service to meet and pray with team. Remain at post until 5-10 minutes into service. 1 to 4 weekends per month
Age Requirement: 12 or older to serve alone, under 12 may serve with a parent

Parking Team

Welcome everyone with a warm, friendly attitude as they arrive on our campus. Direct people to proper parking areas and building entrances. Assist with traffic flow and watch for First Time Guests. Smile and wave as people leave the campus. Parking Team members are the first and last impression of our church.

Time Commitment: Arrive 30 minutes prior to service to meet and pray with team. Remain in parking lot until 10 minutes after service begins. 1 to 4 times per month
Age Requirement: 16 or older to serve alone, under 16 may serve with a parent


Greet people with a warm outstanding welcome. Assists with find- ing seats if needed. Help maximize seating availability in a friendly, hospitable manner. Collect offering.
Time Commitment: Arrive 30 minutes prior to service to meet and pray with team. Remain throughout entire service. 1 to 4 times per month.

Age Requirement: 16 or older to serve alone, under 16 may serve with a parent



Our Hospitality Team serves first time guests, leaders, and others at Next Steps 101 (typically the first Sunday of each month), Leadership Community (the first Monday of each month), and other special events.

Clean-Up Team

Arrive as event ends to breakdown serving and drink stations, empty trash, and assist facilities in resetting the space for the next event. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours
Age Requirement: 16+

Set Up Team

Arrive prior to event start time to decorate tables, prepare food line, prep drinks, plate desserts, or any other task as needed.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours
Age Requirement: 16+

Food/Drink Service Team

Maintain serving line, replenish drinks, and serve food. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours
Age Requirement: 16+


Building Maintenance Team

Assist with maintenance and general upkeep of the Thomas Cross- roads and Sharpsburg Campuses. Tasks may include painting, con- struction, cleaning, and renovation projects.
Time Commitment: Flexible

Age Requirement: 16+

Grounds Team

Assist with grounds maintenance at our Thomas Crossroads and Sharpsburg Campuses with weekly grass mowing, trimming, clean- up, and landscaping needs. Help with maintenance and installation for pond and amphitheater at the Sharpsburg Campus.

Time Commitment: Varies Age Requirement: 16+

Saturday Service Support

Open Sharpsburg Campus lobbies and survey property and bath- rooms prior to guests arrival. Be available for any needs that may arise prior to, during, or after service. Close and lock up campus after service.

Time Requirement: 4 hours, 5-9PM on a Saturday Age Requirement: 18+

Event Support

Pull resources and supplies (paper products, tablecloths, etc.) for events at our Thomas Crossroads and Sharpsburg Campuses. Re- stock supplies and resources after events.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours, 1 or 2 times per week

Age Requirement: 16+

Large Event Support

Assist with set up, clean up, and facilities support for large events and conferences (i.e. CHRISTmas, Christmas Eve, Easter) at our Thomas Crossroads and Sharpsburg Campuses. Support includes setting up chairs, tables, trash cans, etc. beforehand, distribution of resources to specific areas and general oversight during, and remov- ing trash, resetting worship center, etc. afterwards.

Time Commitment: Varies, Event Specific Age Requirement: 16+

Outreach Events

Crossroads plans annual outreach events to provide opportunities for our attenders to demonstrate the love of Jesus to our communi- ty and invite people to visit our church. Annual events may include Recognition Sundays (Educator, First Responders, Military), Welcome Home Weekend, Fall Rush, Coweta Serve Days, Ashley Park Tree Lighting, Senoia and Newnan Christmas Parades, Date Night, Egg Drop, Graduation Water Bottle Give-Away, and Celebration of Free- dom.

Event WOW Team

Welcome guests to the event, invite people to our services, and hand out gifts.
Time Commitment: Varies based on event
Age Requirement: 16+ (under with parent)

Event Volunteer

Serve in needed area. Examples include bounce house supervision, food service, parking attendant, face painting, etc.
Time Commitment: Varies based on event
Age Requirement: 16+ (under with parent)

Guest Registration

Greet visitors/guests and collect contact information for follow up. May include distributing tickets, armbands, etc.
Time Commitment: Varies based on event
Age Requirement: 16+ (under with parent)

Set-Up/Clean-Up Team

Arrive early or at the end of an event to assist with set up or clean up. Set up duties may include placing signs, decorating, arrang- ing food or supplies, etc. Clean up may include moving tables and chairs, removing signs, picking up trash, etc.

Time Commitment: Varies based on event Age Requirement: 16+ (under with parent)

Volunteer Team Leader

Know the vision and overall plan of the event. Delegate duties and lead volunteers as needed. Maintain event schedule.
Time Commitment: Varies based on event
Age Requirement: 18+

Office & Administrative Support

Our offices are located at the Thomas Crossroads Campus. Daily operations require many tasks, and volunteer help is always appreciated.

Office Assistant

Help with various tasks such as manning the reception desk, answer- ing phones, miscellaneous filing, folding, data entry, and office inventory.
Time Commitment: 1 or more hours per week

Age Requirement: 18+

Program Stuffing Team

Place offering envelopes into the weekend programs to prepare for weekend services.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week, Thursday mornings at 9AM Age Requirement: 13+

Seat-Back Team

Walk through Worship Center and clean out pockets in the backs of all seats. Collect remaining programs and dispose of trash. Replace pens when missing.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week (typically on Thursday or Friday)

Age Requirement: 13 and older may serve alone, 12 and under may serve with a parent


Weekend Prayer Team

Arrive 15 minutes before worship service to pray for weekend worship gatherings. A prayer guide is provided and prayer may be with other team members or on your own.
Time Commitment: Approximately 1 hour per week

Age Requirement: 18+

Weekly Intercessors Team

Receive weekly prayer newsletter via email or by mail. Pray for congregational prayer requests. Prayer is mostly on your own but may be with other team members as determined.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week

Age Requirement: 18+




Complete small home repairs and/or yard work for the elderly or those dealing with illness. All skill levels welcome.
Time commitment: 2 hours per month
Age Requirement: 12+


Serve as a Financial Counselor by helping people create and main- tain a household budget. Provide financial accountability. Return phone calls and follow up with applicants.
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week

Age Requirement: 25+

First Responders Support Team

Adopt a station with your family, team, or small group to offer encouragement and care. May include providing snacks or a meal, sending encouragement cards, and praying for requests.
Time Commitment: Typically less than 1 hour per week

Age Requirement: 18+

Foster Care Support Team

Provide practical help for foster families with the Foster Care Support Team including monthly meals, cleaning or laundry, tutoring, mentoring, or respite care.
Time Commitment: varies, weekly or monthly based on availability Age Requirement: 18+

Community Garden

Assist at the Community Garden with a variety of projects related to successfully growing fruits and vegetables. Tasks may include planting, watering, fertilizing, pre- paring soil, harvesting, and general maintenance.
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week

Age Requirement: All ages


Our goal is to build a bridge to our community through recreation. We aim to provide a Christ-centered, positive environment where all families feel welcome. All volunteers are required to complete the Child Protection Class and a background check.


Teach children or youth basic skills in basketball, baseball, or soc- cer. Encourage all players and create an environment of good sportsmanship.
Time Commitment: 2 hours per week (1 hour for practice, 1 hour for game)

Age Requirement: 18+


Organize and sell snacks and drinks during games on Saturdays during league seasons. Receive money and return correct change. Time commitment: 1-4 hours per week during season
Age Requirement: 14+

Event Coordinator and Planner

Plan and organize a recreation event. Annual events include a 5K Trail Run, Golf Tournament, and Summer sports camps for kids. Time Commitment: 1-4 hours per week
Age Requirement: 18+

Fitness or Personal Trainer

Lead exercise classes within our wellness ministry. Time Commitment: 1-4 hours per week
Age Requirement: 14+


Observe and record scores at sporting events. Display accurate scores on the scoreboard. Record fouls during the game as called by referees.
Time Commitment: 1-4 hours per week during season

Age Requirement: 14+


Become familiar with standard rules in basketball, baseball, or soccer. Closely observe games and make calls based on rules. No experience is required. Training is available.
Time Commitment: 1-4 hours per week during season

Age Requirement: 14+

Registration and Try-On Uniform Support

Assist on registration days by greeting parents and players, record- ing data, and collecting payment. Help players find correct uniform sizes and record sizes selected.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per week during open registration Age Requirement: 14+

Administrative Support

Assist with organizing leagues, creating teams, and data entry. Time Commitment: 1-5 hours per week
Age Requirement: 18+

Renew Thrift Store

Sort, organize, and display donations at ReNew Thrift Store. Assist customers in front of store. Volunteers are also needed to pick up and deliver donations to reNew including large furniture items.
Time Commitment: 4 hour shift based on your schedule and store hours, item pick up and delivery may be scheduled at your conve- nience

Age Requirement: 16+

School Support Team

Adopt a school with your family, team, or small group to offer en- couragement and care for all teachers and staff on a regular basis. May include providing snacks or a meal, sending encouragement cards, or praying for requests.

Time Commitment: Typically less than 1 hour per week Age Requirement: 18+

Truth in Nature

Crossroads partners with Truth in Nature Nature and provides a unique way to connect with middle and high school boys while teaching them about God in the outdoors. Mentors establish relationships with young men from fatherless and single mother homes. Additional background check required.

Time Commitment: 4 hours a month Age Requirement: 21+


Help others through our CARE & Counseling Ministry.

Meal Team

Provide meals for people dealing with illness or after a death in someone’s family. Home-cooked or purchased food is fine. Commit- ment is based on your availability.
Time commitment: Varies

Age Requirement: 18+

Support Group Leaders

Facilitate group discussions using approved curriculum. Most suc- cessful group leaders have experienced victory in life and want to encourage others who now struggle in the same area. Requirements include Crossroads Church membership for more than one year and completion of Support Group Leadership Training. Contact the Care and Counseling Office for more information.

Time Requirement: 2 hours per week Age Requirement: 21+


Mission Trips

Find out more about the Mission Trips that we offer HERE!

Mission Team Leader

Lead a team of volunteers to accomplish the mission of sharing the Gospel of Jesus to others locally or globally. Responsibilities in- clude organizing a trip, establishing and maintaining a trip budget, training a team of volunteers, and communicating and working with church leadership.

Time Commitment: 15-20 hours over several months for organizing and training, 40-50 hours during trip
Requirements: Follower of Jesus, Member of Crossroads Church, 25 or older, completed M-7 Project and 315 Leadership, completed mission leader training

Prep Team

Assist in preparing materials for mission trip. Tasks would be related to specific trips such as printing and sorting materials for teaching English.
Time Commitment: Varies, based on mission trips schedule and needs

Age Requirement: 18+